Find filenames by any word as fast as possible using index files with the free sfk iname command.
sfk name[2] word [word2] [!exclude] [.ext]
find filenames as fast as possible by using
index files created by sfk index or gindex.
sfk name word [word2] [word3] [...]
will use local index files zz-index.txt
- in the current folder
- in the parent folder
- and so on, until the root folder "\"
and also the global Base Index file from
and then lists all file names from those indexes
having the given words in their name or path.
Under windows, instead of C:\zz-index.txt
it will read C:\zz-index\zz-index.txt
sfk name2 word [word2] [word3] [...]
does the same as name, but also includes
the global Extended Index file.
sfk gname uses only the global index.
sfk lname uses only local index files.
pattern syntax
- just type up to 10 words that must be contained
somehere in the file name or it's path. the words
are AND combined. the sequence is ignored.
- words starting with ! or : will exclude any file
having the word in it's name.
- words starting with "." are a file extension and
must appear only at the END of a file name, or be
followed in the filename by another "."
like ".so" in
-size include size info in result
-size=n pad size info to n characters
-tab create tab separated output
-withmeta include meta data in search:
date, like 2019-12-31
time, like 23:59:01
size, like 12345
-meta search just in meta data
-spat support slash pattern \t for tab
output sorting
output is always sorted by file modification time,
listing the most recent files at the list bottom.
chaining support
output chaining is supported.
aliasessfk iname same as sfk namesfk x same as sfk namesfk x2 same as sfk name2see alsosfk gindex - create global index file(s)
sfk index - create local index file(s)
sfk home - tell sfk home folder location
examplessfk name .pdf
lists all PDF files in the Base Index.
sfk name part 2391 datasheet .pdf
lists all PDF files in the Base Index having
the words "part", "2391" and "datasheet"
somewhere in their name, for example:
sfk name2 part 2391 datasheet .pdf
the same, but may list further results also
from the extended index, for example:
sfk name .hpp +find class tree
search all .hpp header files from the local index
for the words "class" and "tree".
sfk name tree .hpp +fview
load and view all .hpp files having "tree"
in their name or path. ("sfk view" for more)
sfk name metronome .mp3 +copy tmp -flat
copy all .mp3 files with metronome into a single
output folder, without sub folders.
sfk name -spat foobar\r
list filenames ending with 'foobar'
sfk name -meta -spat \t1234\t
list files with an exact size of 1234 bytes.