send a colored status info from a batch file, for display with the SFKTray Windows GUI tool, with the sfk status command available on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

sfk status target[:port] "status text"

send a status to the SFKTray GUI tool for display.

this allows to run long scripts in background, like

-  a script that produces several output packages
-  a script that checks test devices if they're up
-  a compile making binaries for 5 architectures

and to see their current state just by small lights
in the Windows system tray. a typical use is:

-  show a yellow blinking light: a task is ongoing
-  show a green light: task completed successfully
-  show a red light: task failed

download SFKTray Free Edition now, which can
display four independent lights, by:
   sfk gettray

the lights are changed by the sfk status command.
the status is sent by UDP to the given target host,
or to "local" for your own machine.

statustext fields
   v1         optional protocol version
   slot=n     target slot number 1-9
   pat=s      show a pattern, with s like:
               up      show an up   arrow
               down    show a down  arrow
               left    show a left  arrow
               right   show a right arrow
               all     highlight all slots
              requires SFKTray V1.1. looks best
              with the Pro version (9 lights).
   color=s    set color s as one of:
              red green blue yellow orange gray black
              you may also try:
              white cyan purple black
              but these have limited use, as they appear
              similar to other colors in the system tray.
              with SFKTray Full you may also use:
              3- or 6 digit rgb hex value
              e.g. f00 = red, dddddd = light gray
   blink=s    select 'slow' or 'fast' blink
   timeout=n  time in seconds to display status.
              if not reconfirmed in that time
              the slot color changes to gray.
              display status for 15 seconds
              then change slot color to orange
   text='s'   a text for display. must be surrounded
              by any delimiter not part of the text,
              normally single quotes ''
   layout=n   change layout to show 2, 4 or 9 slots.
              requires SFKTray V1.0.2 or higher.

about the target machine
   - use "local" if SFKTray runs on the same machine
   - else supply hostname or IP, optionally with :port
   - default port used by SFKTray is 21343.
     SFKTray Free cannot use a different port.
     SFKTray Full can be run with a differen port like
        sfktray -port=5000
     then use: sfk status local:5000 ...
   - use port id '2nd' or '3rd' for instance 2 or 3
     of SFKTray Full (ports 21344 and 21345).

   SFKTray Free supports 4 slots, i.e. slot=1 to slot=4.
   Only one instance can be used.

   SFKTray Full supports 9 status slots per instance,
   and can run up to 3 instances in parallel (27 lights).
   It is part of the SFK Plus bundle:

command chaining
   is supported without any chain input or output.

please note:
   if a command behaves unexpected, compare exactly with the
   examples given below. not every typing error is detected.

   sfk status local "slot=1 color=yellow text='checking service'"
      tell that a service is currently checked on slot 1
   sfk status local "slot=1 color=green timeout=15,orange text='ok'"
      tell that a service is currently running. the check must be
      repeated within 15 seconds otherwise the status times out
      and SFKTray changes the slot color to orange.
   sfk status local "slot=1 color=red blink=slow text='service offline'"
      tell about an offline service on localhost slot 1
   sfk -var for i from 1 to 9 +status local "slot=#(i) color=gray" +endfor
      reset all status slots
   sfk status local "pat=up color=green blink=fast timeout=10"
      show a blinking up arrow for 10 seconds. requires SFKTray V1.1
      and looks best with the Pro version (9 lights layout).
   sfk status local:3rd "pat=up color=green blink=fast timeout=10"
      with SFKTray Full: show blinking up arrow in 3rd instance.